Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kate Baird

Kate Baird is a powerlifter.she got back into the gym in October 2003, after a decade away. With some encouragement from friends and other gym members, she competed
in and won the overall DE State Womens Bodybuilding title eight months later, in June 2004.

During this time she met APF DE State Chairman Broderick Chavez, and
started training with him in November 2004. her goals then were
primarily bodybuilding, but Broderick was secretly priming her for
powerlifting, as he recognized her natural strength abilities.

He had her enter her first powerlifting meet in May of 2005 as a prelude
to some bodybuilding competitions that summer. Needless to say, she got
bit by the "Powerlifting Bug".

she could go on forever here naming names; however her BIGGEST inspiration is
truly her training partner and guru, Broderick Chavez, who leaves the outside
world at the gym doorstep and transcends into a different place each and every
time they step into the gym. It's his belief in her that made her step up and
believe in herself.

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